Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018


·  task completely fulfilled
·  very fluent, gives answers to questions almost instantaneously; speech is natural and continuous ;comprehends all questions accurately and always answers appropriately; rather creative and spontaneous; elaborates on answers
·  has excellent broad command of vocabulary; rarely has to search for a word; can compensate for an unknown word by paraphrasing

·  task nearly completed
·  is pretty fluent, but some hesitation; gives you the desired information, but usually no more; tends to use simpler sentences and expresses ideas more simply comprehends questions and communicates effectively; always gets the message across;  not as creative or spontaneous; does not really elaborate
·  has good broad vocabulary; generally appropriate, but minor lexical problems; has to search for a word occasionally

·  several parts of the task were not completed
·  usually hesitant and often repeats the question to herself/himself before answering; often pauses in mid-sentence to figure out how to finish the sentence; communication is simplistic, sometimes faulty quite a number of questions need rephrasing;  clear vocabulary and grammar deficiencies; no elaboration
·  the vocabulary used is basic and limited; deficiencies in vocabulary which contribute to miscommunication and hesitancy;

·  task was insufficiently completely
·  extreme hesitation; fragmentary speech; silence and hesitation are painful or embarrassing;  understands very few questions; frequent communicative breakdown student can't come up with the necessary language
·  very weak vocabulary; lots of deficiencies;

excellent command of grammar; very few errors; uses almost the full range of constructions covered in the course; good use of tenses; fulfills the grammatical requirements of the course without limitations
good command of grammar; there are more than a few errors, but the errors are quite tolerable and don't interfere with communication; as a listener you don't have to compensate much; fulfills the grammatical requirements of the course with some limitations
rather poor grammar: genders often wrong; subject-verb agreement and verb forms often faulty; anglicised syntax; barely fulfills the grammatical requirements of the course
very poor grammar; interferes with communication; does not fulfill the grammatical requirements of the course

pronunciation is quite good and accurate though not near native; good intonation
pronunciation quite acceptable; foreign accent is clear; does not interfere with communication; hardly any mispronunciations;
pronunciation is usually strongly anglicised; hesitant intonation; frequent mispronunciations; interferes at times with communication
pronunciation is rather poor; very basic errors; interferes with communication, requiring frequent repetition

Montag, 11. Juni 2018

Mauer im Kopf

Mauer im Kopf:

am 9. November 1989 ist die Mauer gefallen. Fast 30 Jahre spaeter haben viele Leute in Deutschland 

immer noch eine sogenannte "Mauer im Kopf". Sie glauben, obwohl die Mauer nicht mehr zwischen 

Ost- und Westdeutschland steht, und die zwei Laender sind wieder eins, trotzdem gibt es grosse 

Unterschiede zwischen den Leuten im Osten und im Westen. 

Heute lesen wir ueber die Mauer im Kopf. Und dann erfahren wir Kunst von der Berliner Mauer 

(East Side Gallery). Danach werden wir Kunst machen!

Anfang: Beantworte die Fragen

1. Was ist der Zweck (purpose) einer Mauer? 

2.  Wie funkioniert eine Mauer? 

3.  Welche Mauern siehst du in Bothell oder in der Schule? 

4.  Was teilen die Mauern in der Welt?

I. Wir lesen den ersten Artikel:  Breaking Down the Wall in the Head

1. What are some of the negative perceptions of people from the former East and West?

II. Wir lesen den zweiten Artikel:  East Germans are still different

1. Zeichne (draw) ein Beispiel von einem typischen "Ossi" und einem typischen "Wessi".

III. Wir erfahren Kunst von der Berliner Mauer:  Eastside Gallery
The Eastside Gallery of the Berlin Wall was preserved because of its art and cultural expression. Find three that speak to you and answer the following questions:

1. Was gefaellt dir an dem Bild? __________ gefaellt mir / ___________ gefallen mir

2. Was bedeutet das Bild? Was meinst du?

IV. Wir zeichnen!!  Das Thema: Mauer im Kopf
Now that you have learned about the things separating the former East and West Germany, now think about what is holding you back. Or what is holding back society? You get to draw / paint / create your expression of the wall in your head. 

I have created a thoughtful and creative expression of the wall in my head or a "figurative wall" in society.

I have created something neat, attractive, and interesting regardless of my art prowess.

I have written a half page in German describing the meaning behind the art. My German is not perfect but I have done my best and used vocabulary from the Berlin Wall / Goodbye Lenin unit
I have delivered a creative expression of the wall in my head or a "figurative wall" in society.

I have created something neat, attractive, and interesting  even if I'm not the best artist.

I have written a half page in English and German describing the meaning behind the art. My German is not perfect but I have done my best.
I have created something that might be described artistic if more thought and time was put into it.

My "art" is done on lined paper in pencil that's ripped out from my comp book...or in other words, not so inspiring.

I have written a small paragraph in English, or in German but I am not able to demonstrate my writing skills in German.
I am missing major components of the project.