Freitag, 30. November 2018


Guten Tag! Today you will be watching Christmas / Holiday videos and writing about your opinions. In your German folder, I have shared with you "Musik Mittwoch Tabelle" and "Copy of Weihnachtslieder". You will view the PPT and type up your work in the table. The musical phrases are posted below to help you express your opinion.

If there is time, you should decide on what song we will sing on the 13th. Danke!

Musik Phrasen

            Dieses Lied gefällt mir!                                                I like this song!
            Ich mag das Video.                                                    I like the video.
Ich habe den Liedtext verstanden.                            I understood the lyrics.
Das bringt mich zum Tanzen!                                      That makes me dance!
            Ich will dieses Lied hören, bis ich sterbe.                    I want to hear this song till I die.
            Das ist das beste Lied,                                                This is the best song
dass ich jemals gehört habe.                         I’ve ever heard.
Ich finde dieses Lied…            schön.                         I find this song…          pretty.
                                                                melodisch.                                                      melodic.
                                                            rhythmisch.                                                      rhythmic.
                                                            schnell.                                                            quick.
                                                            fröhlich.                                                           happy.
                                                            sentimental.                                                    sentimental.
            Ich finde dieses Video…         farbenfroh.                  I find this video…         colorful.
                                                             inspirierend.                                                      inspirational.
                                                             interessant.                                                      interesting.
                                                             wunderschön.                                                 beautiful.
                                                             gelungen.                                                        successful.
                                                             witzig.                                                               funny.
            Die Musik war gut, aber ich habe                               The music was good, but I didn’t
                        nichts verstanden!                                                      understand anything!
            Ich wünsche mir, das ich das Live                              I wish  I saw this live!
                        gesehen habe!


            Das ist nicht mein Musikstil.                                          That’s not my music style.
            Dieses Lied gefällt mir nicht.                                        I don’t like this song.
            Mir gefällt die Musik von ____ besser.                          I like the music from ____ better.
            Die Musik war schlecht, aber                                     The music was bad but the video                  das Video war gut.                                                     was good.
            Ich finde dieses Lied…            depressiv.                   I find this song…          depressing.
                                                            melancholisch.                                               melancholic.
                                                            langweilig.                                                       boring.
                                                            langsam.                                                         slow.
            Ich finde dieses Video…         komisch.                      I find this video…         strange.
                                                             monoton.                                                         monotous.
                                                             uninteressant.                                                  uninteresting.

Ich finde den Sänger/die Sängerin attraktiv.                         I find the singer attractive!
Die Haare des Sängers war sehr schön.                                 The singer’s hair was beautiful.
Die Kleider waren schön.                                                        The clothes were beautiful.
Ich will ihn/sie zum Essen einladen!                                         I want to invite him/her to dinner!

Ich will mehr von ihm/ihr hören!                                              I want to hear more from him/her.

Dienstag, 27. November 2018



Ein Märchen entsteht, durch einen alten Volksglauben.

Ein Märchen entsteht, um ein naturwissenschaftliches Phänomen zu erklären.

Ein Märchen entsteht, um eine bestimmte Moralvorstellung zu vermitteln.

Der Froschkönig:



Aufgaben und Probleme:




Jetzt, schreiben wir das Märchen im Imperfekt!


Mittwoch, 21. November 2018

Jobs in Deutschland

Hallo! Hier lernt ihr ueber den Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland. Wollt ihr nach Deutschland gehen und arbeiten?

Jobs in Deutschland

Mittwoch, 7. November 2018

Kindheit Rubriken - Updated

A+                   100%               Ausgezeichnet!                     C                     75%                 Ausreichend
A                     95%                 Sehr gut!                                D                     65%                 Braucht Hilfe!
B                      85%                 Gut                                         F                      55%                 Mangelhaft
Kindheit Schreiben Rubrik

Exceeds Target
ü  Writing Answers all 16 questions thoroughly. Sentences show complexity and creativity. Interacts with parent /guardian / relative/ sibling to get answers.
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter plus new things learned through the assignment.
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in most sentences.
ü  5 quotes from the person you spoke with

Meets Target
ü  Writing Answers 14 questions sufficiently. Sentences show some complexity and creativity.
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in some sentences.
ü  4 quotes from the person you spoke with

Approaches Target
ü  Writing Answers 14 questions sufficiently. Sentences show some complexity and creativity. Interacts with parent /guardian / relative/ sibling to get answers.
ü  Vocabulary uses some vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles inconsistently. Doesn't use "als" correctly. Sentences are simple.
ü  3 quotes from the person you spoke with

Below Target
ü  Writing Answers <10 questions sufficiently. Sentences are confusing and have too many mistakes to make comprehensible.
ü  Vocabulary does not use much vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures Unable to express ideas in accurate structures in the past tense.
ü  < 3 quotes from the person you spoke with


Far Below Target
ü  A 50% grade will be earned if writing fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation or is not submitted for review.

Kindheit Sprechen Rubrik

Exceeds Target
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter plus new things learned through the assignment.
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in most sentences.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 3 pictures, all 3 sections of the interview are addressed. I use my power point or a notecard to present but I don't read from my notes.
ü  3 quotes from the person you spoke with

Meets Target
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in some sentences.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 3 pictures, a concise summary of the 3 sections is presented. I read from my notes at times.
ü  2 quotes from the person you spoke with

Approaches Target
ü  Vocabulary uses some vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles inconsistently. Doesn't use "als" correctly. Sentences are simple.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 2 pictures. Some components of the interview are missing.  I exclusively read from my notes.
ü  1 quotes from the person you spoke with

Below Target
ü  Vocabulary does not use much vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures Unable to express ideas in accurate structures in the past tense.
ü  Speaking **Does not present
ü  < 3 quotes from the person you spoke with


Far Below Target
ü  A 50% grade will be earned if writing fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation or is not submitted for review.