Mittwoch, 7. November 2018

Kindheit Rubriken - Updated

A+                   100%               Ausgezeichnet!                     C                     75%                 Ausreichend
A                     95%                 Sehr gut!                                D                     65%                 Braucht Hilfe!
B                      85%                 Gut                                         F                      55%                 Mangelhaft
Kindheit Schreiben Rubrik

Exceeds Target
ü  Writing Answers all 16 questions thoroughly. Sentences show complexity and creativity. Interacts with parent /guardian / relative/ sibling to get answers.
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter plus new things learned through the assignment.
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in most sentences.
ü  5 quotes from the person you spoke with

Meets Target
ü  Writing Answers 14 questions sufficiently. Sentences show some complexity and creativity.
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in some sentences.
ü  4 quotes from the person you spoke with

Approaches Target
ü  Writing Answers 14 questions sufficiently. Sentences show some complexity and creativity. Interacts with parent /guardian / relative/ sibling to get answers.
ü  Vocabulary uses some vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles inconsistently. Doesn't use "als" correctly. Sentences are simple.
ü  3 quotes from the person you spoke with

Below Target
ü  Writing Answers <10 questions sufficiently. Sentences are confusing and have too many mistakes to make comprehensible.
ü  Vocabulary does not use much vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures Unable to express ideas in accurate structures in the past tense.
ü  < 3 quotes from the person you spoke with


Far Below Target
ü  A 50% grade will be earned if writing fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation or is not submitted for review.

Kindheit Sprechen Rubrik

Exceeds Target
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter plus new things learned through the assignment.
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in most sentences.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 3 pictures, all 3 sections of the interview are addressed. I use my power point or a notecard to present but I don't read from my notes.
ü  3 quotes from the person you spoke with

Meets Target
ü  Vocabulary uses vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles. Uses "als" and has two clauses in some sentences.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 3 pictures, a concise summary of the 3 sections is presented. I read from my notes at times.
ü  2 quotes from the person you spoke with

Approaches Target
ü  Vocabulary uses some vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures able to express ideas in the conversational past including who, when, what, where and the correct helping verbs / past participles inconsistently. Doesn't use "als" correctly. Sentences are simple.
ü  Speaking Presents to the class in the form of a power point with 2 pictures. Some components of the interview are missing.  I exclusively read from my notes.
ü  1 quotes from the person you spoke with

Below Target
ü  Vocabulary does not use much vocabulary from the Kindheit chapter
ü  Structures Unable to express ideas in accurate structures in the past tense.
ü  Speaking **Does not present
ü  < 3 quotes from the person you spoke with


Far Below Target
ü  A 50% grade will be earned if writing fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation or is not submitted for review.

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