Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018


Nächste Woche bauen wir Lebkuchenhäuser!  Heute wählst du einen Märchenort aus. Wo findet dein Märchen statt? Next week we will make gingerbread structures. These will be based on the setting of your own fairy tale, which you will write over break. Your gingerbread house will be a version of the place your fairy tale takes place.  You can build your house alone or pair up with someone and choose one idea.
Dein Märchenort könnte folgendes sein: ein Hexenhaus, ein Stiefel, ein Wald, ein Schloβ, eine Burg, ein Brunnen, ein Stadtplatz.......

Before leaving class today, you must:
-Choose your fairy tale setting
-Choose a buddy to work with or decide to work alone
-Decide if you are going to bake the pieces (delegate this task), if you will bring graham crackers (delegate this task), or if you will bring candy / decorations

-I will make the icing but you may also bring your own!

Video 1: Lebkuchenhaus
Video 2: Lebkuchen Rezept

Rezept!  Du kannst deinen Lebkuchen selber backen oder du kannst auch Graham Crackers verwenden....You can bake your gingerbread pieces over the weekend or you can just bring graham crackers to build your setting.

Ein zweites Rezept: pardon "flower" spelling error, I'm borrowed this recipe~

Mein Eigenes Märchen
Du schreibst ein Märchen!  Dein Rough Draft ist am 2. Januar fällig.  Dein Märchen muβ mindestens 250 Wörter lang sein und es muβ folgendes haben:

+ Dein Spruch
Es war einmal....
Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, leben sie heute noch.

2 Personen
2 Tiere 

Some kind of magic! For example- Tiere können sprechen

Wo findet das Märchen statt?
Where does it take place?

Ein Problem
Eine Aufgabe
Eine Lösung
4 Modal Verben in Vergangenheit

15 Verben / Sätze in Imperfekt                    

Dein Lebkuchenhaus wird eine Version des Märchenorts.  Du kannst ein Haus allein aufbauen oder mit einem Partner oder Partnerin aufbauen.  Wähle einen Märchenort aus!

Your gingerbread house will be a version of the place your fairy tale takes place.  You can build your house alone or pair up with someone and choose one idea.


Writing Rubric – “Mein Märchen” Helden und Bösewichte
Please write a fairy tale using the hero or villain you created in the group.  Use the information you have already created to provide structure to your fairy tale.  The following components are mandatory:
1.     Wie heiβen die Personen  (der Held und die Bösewicht, Tiere, andere Personen) im Märchen.
2.     Warum ist der Held gut / warum ist die Bösewicht böse?
3.     Was kann der Held / die Bösewicht machen?  Hat er/sie eine bestimmte Macht (power)?
4.     Was ist das Märchenort?
5.     Was ist ein Problem im Märchen?
6.     Was ist eine Aufgabe im Märchen?
7.     Was ist das Wunder im Märchen?
8.     Was sind die Gegensätze im Märchen? Jung / alt, gut / boese, gross / klein
9.     Verben: Use 15 verbs in the simple past tense. Use 4 Modal verbs in the past tense
 Complexity: Writing is far too simple. Ideas do not address task, sentences are incomplete, writing doesn’t flow naturally, and vocabulary and structure usage is nonexistent. Student writes inconsistently; in the past tense. No modal verbs.
 Comprehensibility: Writing is not comprehensible. Structure, vocabulary and/or spelling errors predominate making comprehension difficult, if not, impossible.
 Complexity: Writing is too simple. Ideas are disorganized with little development, sentences may be incomplete, repetition predominates, writing rarely flows naturally, and vocabulary and structure usage is severely limited. Student writes inconsistently; in the past tense; No modal verbs. <9 Components
 Comprehensibility: Writing is rarely comprehensible. Structure, vocabulary and/or spelling errors make comprehension difficult. Student uses < 10 verbs
 Complexity: Writing is simple. Ideas are organized, but not as developed, sentences may be short/choppy with little detail, repetition is evident, writing sometimes flows naturally, and vocabulary and structure usage is limited. Student writes inconsistently; in the past tense; does not include modal verbs in the past tense < 9 Components
 Comprehensibility: Writing is sometimes comprehensible. Structure, vocabulary and/or spelling errors begin to hinder comprehension. Student uses < 10 different verbs.
 Complexity: Writing is somewhat complex. Uses 3 different transitions effectively. Ideas are organized and developed, sentences are longer with some detail, writing flows somewhat naturally, and vocabulary and structures demonstrate a range of ability. 
 Comprehensibility: Writing is comprehensible. Minor structure, vocabulary and/or spelling errors do not hinder overall comprehension. Student writes in the simple past tense; uses 10 different verbs, plus 1-2 modal verbs in the simple past tense. Spelling and usage of verbs are correct.
 Content: Story has required elements (see above), doesn’t improve rough draft.
 Complexity: Writing is complex. Uses 5 different transitions effectively. Ideas are organized and fully-developed, sentences are longer with much detail, writing flows naturally, and vocabulary and structures demonstrate a wide range of ability.
Presentation: Student(s) present someone else’s Märchen in the form of a powerpoint presentation, video, or podcast (with sound effects, not just reading).
 Comprehensibility: Language flows smoothly. Writing is comprehensible. Structure, vocabulary and/or spelling errors do not hinder overall comprehension. Student writes in the simple past tense; uses at least 12 different verbs, plus modal verbs in the simple past tense. Spelling and usage of verbs are correct.
 Content: Story has extra elements, in addition to what is required (see above).

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