Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2019

Sich Vorstellen - mündliche Prüfung

Lernziele: I can describe people in pictures - their appearance, what they are feeling, where they are, and what they are doing. I can introduce myself - talking about my age, where I'm from, my family, languages I speak, where I go to school or will study, and hobbies.

Mündliche Prüfung:
The goal of the oral interview is to have students demonstrate their mastery of knowledge from chapters 8 - 11 of Kontakte: Essen und Einkaufen, Auf Reisen, Gesundheit und Krankheit. The following activities will occur on the oral portion of the test:
1. Introductions
2. Describe the people in a picture
3. Card game - Ask a question using the first word on the card (questions must be based on the theme chosen)
4. Roll play - each scenario will be based on a theme from our chapters

This is your chance to show off your language skills! Terse / short answers will be insufficient.

Stell dich vor: introduce yourself








Rollenspiel 1:  You are a tourist visiting a restaurant in Hamburg. You will now perform a role play. You will write down a dialogue between you and the wait staff. You are thirsty; you also want to order an appetizer, main dish, and a dessert. You need to pay, discuss how the food was, and then give a tip.

Hausaufgaben - Bring bitte einen Screenshot von deinen Ergebnissen (results). Schreib die Verben auf, die du nicht kennst!

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